We are different because we do business differently:
Guiding our organization is Chairman Navin Shah, who has a proven record of balancing long-term strategy with near-term profitability
Day-to-day operations are directed by two senior level managers who have unusual energy, experience, and expertise – one supervises operations and the other enhances revenue
General Managers at our hotels are empowered to operate as if they own the property, while being part of a strong centralized organization
Our “high touch” management style is complemented by a “high tech” computer system that links our properties and enables us to monitor physical as well as fiscal operations
We manage large assets, but we pay attention to small
details – a variety of in-house management and training programs ensure that each property is operated professionally and profitably every day
We have a strong work ethic, but we are also passionate about proper business practices and the highest financial ethics
We live in the communities where we do business, so we take special pride in our work and our reputation – yes, we want to make a profit but we also want to make a difference for our guests, our employees, and our neighborhoods!
“Travelers are typically in an unfamiliar city and in a new hotel, so our job as hoteliers is to reduce their anxiety and make them feel more comfortable. They may have difficulties or complaints, but they are still in our house.”
Navin Shah, Chairman